In order to extract email address from excel cell you need VBA code in VBA Modules. Follow the steps:
- Enable developer ribbon: File-->Option-->Customized Ribon-->Check the Developer option
- Copy the following code into VBA Module: Select the workbook and press ALT+F11 or Developer-->Visual Basic-->Select the work sheet you are working on-->Right click-->Insert-->Module-->Copy the code:
Function Getmailid(cell As Range) As String Dim Textstrng As String Textstrng = cell.Text Position@ = InStr(1, Textstrng, "@") EmStart = InStrRev(Textstrng, " ", Position@) If EmStart = 0 Then EmStart = 1 EmEnd = InStr(Position@, Textstrng, " ") If EmEnd = 0 Then EmEnd = Len(Textstrng) + 1 mailid = Trim(Mid(Textstrng, EmStart, EmEnd - EmStart)) If Right(mailid, 1) = "." Then
- Extract the email: In the empty column, select a cell and write the formula =getmailid(B11). Here B1 is the cell number from where you need to extract email address. Sample of the data and mail IDs extracted with the UDF is as below
- Updated formula: =IF((ISERROR(getmailid(A8))),"",getmailid(A8))
Array formula in D2:
=INDEX(A1:C1, 1, MIN(IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("@", A1:C1)), "", COLUMN(A1:C1))))
*SEARCH( substring, string, [start_position] )
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