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Friday, 23 November 2012

MS Word 2010: Insert the current date and time and update automatically

  1. Click where you want to insert the date or time.
  2. On the Insert menu, click Date and Time.
  3. If you want to insert the date or time in a different language format, then click the language in the Languagebox.
The Language box includes a list of the enabled editing languages. Additional date and time options may also be available, depending on the language that you selected.
  1. In the Available formats box, click a date or time format.
  2. Select whether you want the date to automatically update or to remain as originally inserted. Do one of the following:
    • To insert the date and time as a field that's automatically updated when you open or print the document, select the Update automatically check box.
    • To maintain the original date and time as static text, clear the Update automatically check box.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Why does microsoft word 2010 take so long to open?

Check with application safe.
Press ‘Windows key + R’ and in the window type the below one by one and check with the applications.
1.       winword /safe
2.       excel /safe
3.       powerpnt /safe
If you have no issues opening them, the issue might be due to add-ins.


  1. Click the Microsoft Office Button Button image, click Word Options, and then click Add-Ins.
  2. View the add-ins and application extensions that are categorized as follows:
    • Active Application Add-ins     Lists the extensions that are registered and currently running in your Office program.
    • Inactive Application Add-ins     Lists the add-ins that are present on your computer but are not currently loaded. For example, smart tags or XML Schemas are active only when the document that references them is open. Another example is the COM add-ins that are listed in the COM Add-ins dialog box. If the check box for a COM add-in is selected, the add-in is active. If the check box for a COM add-in is cleared, the add-in is inactive. To learn how to open the COM Add-in dialog box, see the section calledTurn off or manage the installed add-ins.
    • Document Related Add-ins     Lists template files that are referenced by currently open documents.
    • Disabled Application Add-ins     Lists add-ins that were automatically disabled because they are causing Office programs to crash.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Netop Vision Remote control software


  1. IP Address conflict: Some times two PCs get same ip address and that is why netop does not work. So go to DHCP services and delete the ip address of the computer with netop and restart those computers.

Hello Masud,


Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding Netop Vision product.

Based on your information that you've provided, at the moment, please follow the next suggestions for 32bit systems:
Teacher PC:
1. From the Teacher PC go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Display adapters, right click on “Netop Mirror Driver” and select Uninstall.
2. Restart the Teacher PC.
3. Once restarted, go to “C:\Program Files\Netop\Vision\TSEngine” directory and double click on "meddmrrinst.exe"
4. Restart the Teacher PC and try again.

For 64bit systems, please follow the next steps:
1. From the Teacher PC go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Display adapters, right click on “Netop Mirror Driver” and select Uninstall.
2. Restart the Teacher PC.
3. Once restarted, go to "Programs and Features" and do a "Repair" to Vision.
4. Restart the Teacher PC.
5. Once restarted, go to “C:\Program Files\Netop\Vision\TSEngine” directory and double click on "meddmrrinst.exe"
6. Restart the Teacher PC again and try again.

Also, to improve connection between the Teacher and all Student PCs, please consider the following:
Teacher's PC Network Card Settings:
1. Under Teacher console, go to “File” tab, click on “Preferences” button, click on “Network” Icon (left hand side menu) and under “Network type” drop-down list, select Wireless LAN (disregard the "Wireless" name).
2. While you at, please make sure your “Network adapter” drop-down list is not "(Default)" and select your manufacture network card present in your PC.

Recommended to check:
From the Teacher PC, login as an Administrator on the teacher PC, then, go to the registry key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\meddmrr\Device0] and; a). create a new key "Attach.ToDesktop"=dword:00000000 b). right click on it and let full permissions on this new key (Attach.ToDesktop) for "Administrators" and :everyone:.
Restart the machine.
Note: if the key "Attach.ToDesktop" is already in that location, then verify if full permission is set. If you having trouble setting up or verifying the attributes of this key, please get in touch with your system administrator.

Also, please make sure that:
1. On Windows 7, logged as an Administrator on all PCs, please make sure that "Network Discovery" feature is on.
2. While you at, available on all Windows based systems, please make sure that "File and Printer Sharing" is installed and checked (selected on).
3. After you installed Netop Vision, please make sure that Vision is added as an exception into the system Firewall rules.

Check in the DNS server that two computer don't have same ip address.

As a mandatory requirement for Netop Vision, you have to be able to ping the students computers by name (not by IP address). Therefore, peer-to-peer name resolution must be enabled (e.g., DNS or other name server). If network settings on a computer are changed, this may disrupt name resolution and cause Vision7 connections to fail.Mentioned also in our Vision guide, a DNS server must be in place in order Vision will function properly. If you have trouble to ping the students by their computer name, you have to get in touch with your local system administrator and ask him/her to refresh the DNS records. In other words, you have to have an assign name for each computer with a valid IP address. From the Teacher site, Vision will connect to their student PCs by name.

Resources: for more information, please check out our documentation page at:

Documentation: attached with this message, you will find additional information as of downloading Netop Vision, the installation and requirements as well as class configuration.

Stay in touch with Netop Vision by visiting our newly Q&A knowledge base ( and select the category Vision.

Nice to know: please get the best of your systems by performing regular Microsoft updates on all time (especially critical updates, .NET components and hardware updates) as well as Video and Network cards drivers updates on all PCs including the Teacher PC.

Please try the above suggestions and let me know the outcome. And yet, if you have difficulty going through the above suggestions, please let me know so we can setup a remote session and further assist you.

Thank you and I look forward to your feedback.

Best regards,
Netop Support Team


--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Support []
Sent: 05.03.2012 18:13
Subject: RE: Install netop vision teacher on two teacher pc 00063182

Dear Masud Ahmed,

First off, the network connection between the Teacher and the Students should be checked. To do so, please try the following:

1. Open the Windows command prompt by selecting the “Start” menu and entering “cmd” in the search text field box followed by clicking the “enter” key.
2. At the command prompt type "ping" followed by a space and the name of the computer that needs to be checked and hit Enter.

If a number of four replies are received, then the network connection is ok.

The next check would refer to Telnet which is a software that allows users to remotely access another computer.

To get the telnet command working follow these steps:
1. Click Start then select Control Panel.
2. Select Programs and Features.
3. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Select the Telnet Client option.
5. Click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available.

Once the Telnet command is available, please try the following:

1. Open the Windows command prompt by selecting the “Start” menu and entering “cmd” in the search text field box followed by clicking the “enter” key.
2. At the command prompt type "telnet" followed by a space and the name of the computer that needs to be checked, followed by another space and then the number 60000 and hit Enter.

If the windows goes blank, then the network connection is ok,

In this case the best solution would be to remove the Students and add them again since most likely there was a change in the IP addresses which needs to be restored so that Vision will pick up the Students once more.

Should you experience anymore issues, don't hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,
Stefan Alexandru Campan  | Netop Support Specialist  | Tel: +45 4590 25 10
Netop |
Sos Virtutii, No 19D, 5th Floor
Sector 6 Cod Postal 060787, Bucharest

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Masud Ahmed []
Sent: 05.03.2012 14:25
Subject: RE: Install netop vision teacher on two teacher pc 00063182

When I open netop vision it does not show any error messages. It simply does not find the computers.

At first I installed netop vision teacher only on one windows PC and it was working fine.

No, I do not get the exactly same issues in windows 7 and windows PCs. In the beginning, the student pcs I could see via windows XP teacher pc, I could not see via the windows 7 teacher PC. I could see rest of the student pcs in windows 7 teacher pc.

Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: Support []
Sent: 05 March 2012 11:15
To: Masud Ahmed
Subject: Install netop vision teacher on two teacher pc 00063182

Dear Masud Ahmed,

In order to properly investigate the issue you've encountered, please be so kind as to provide us with more information on this. We would need to know what exactly is happening from the time you open up the application, up until the point you experience difficulties. Are there certain functions that trigger the issue? Do you receive any error messages? Did you experience the issue as soon as you install Vision Pro, or did it occur in time? And most importantly, do you get the exact same issue on both operating systems, Windows 7 and Windows Xp?

Please send us all of the above, together with any other information you might consider valuable, that might lead us to a an efficient resolution.

Kind regards,
Stefan Alexandru Campan  | Netop Support Specialist  | Tel: +45 4590 25 10 Netop | Sos Virtutii, No 19D, 5th Floor Sector 6 Cod Postal 060787, Bucharest Romania


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St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College, St Charles Square, London, W10 6EY
Telephone 020 8968 7755  Facsimile 020 8968 1061  E-mail:

Daniel Moise | Netop Support Specialist
Costumer Support Team

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

  1. Resize multiple pictures with same height and width, without cropping and stretching
    1. Open a picture. File->Open
    2. Open action window. View->Action
    3. Create a action. Then
      1. Image Resize: 600h pixels, check scale styles, check constrain porportions, resample image
      2. Canvase resizing: 600hx600w
      3. image resizing again-slightly different size, otherwise action does not record: 6001hx6001w
      4. save/stop recording the action.
    4. Now process the action we created for multiple images. File-->Scripts->Image processor->Select the image to process, select folder and browse to the folder where images are located. select location to save processed images, select folder and choose a different folder to save your processed image. select the file type, check resize to fit: 600hx600w. preferencess, check run action, select the set name, then select the action name. now click run then all the picture will be same height and same width but still you will have full of the picture without croping and stretching 
                  1. Open two images in one Photoshop window:
                    • Click File-->Browse in Bridge--> 
                    • Navigate to the directory that your images reside in--> Select the files.  You can click and drag around them, or use the shift button to select multiple files.--> 
                    • Now in the menu bar select Tools > Photoshop > Load Files into Photoshop layers
                    • Different method: Open a image in Photoshop. Now minimize the Photoshop window and drag the new image in the Photoshop window.
                    • Insert an image into a layer
                      • In the current photoshop window create a new layer
                      • Open the image using File-->Open and it will open in separate window
                        • Select the image and copy Edit-->Copy
                      • Go back to the window you have created new empty layer
                        • Go to Edit-->Paste Special-->Paste in place
                  2. Resize multiple pictures:
                    • I am using Photoshop CS3, Once you have Photoshop opened, click on 
                    • In the Image Processor window, select the folder your images are in by clicking Select Folder (click here for a screenshot)
                    • You can save in the current folder, or choose a different folder. If you save in the current folder, it will create a new folder inside it called JPEG and put the processed images there. It will not overwrite your original images.
                    • File Type – I recommend saving as JPEG with a quality of 10. Your photos will be reduced in file size noticeably and will remain good quality.
                    • If you want to resize your images, which I recommend for posting them online, select Resize to Fit and enter the dimensions you want. Note: you need to keep the aspect ratio of your images. Make sure your original images are the same dimensions (they should be if they’re from the same camera) and divide the height and width separately by the same number to keep the ratio. My photos are originally 2592 x 1944, so I resize them to 1296 x 972. This is half of the original size, keeping the aspect ratio.
                    • Click Run and Photoshop will start processing your images. Wait for it to finish, then you can close it.
                  3. Turn off smart objects by default:
                    • You can turn this off in the preferences if you wish ( edit Preferences - general- the last line is place or drag raster images as smart objects )- just uncheck that box and anything you drag in wont be a smart objects by default 
                  4. Transparent background:
                    • Open image  & duplicate layer & Zoom in if necessary
                    • Select & erase the background or erase the background using "Magic eraser tool"
                    • Save it as "PNG" file and it will be transparent
                  5. Glamour model shot effect:
                    • Copy the same layer
                    • New layer: Filter-->Blur-->Gaussian blur--> set 5.0 
                    • Set opacity: 40%
                  6. Alter car color:
                    • Image-->Adjustments-->Replace color-->Localize color clusters and select the eye dropper tool with + sign, called "Add to sample"
                    • Click on the Result - color option to change the target color
                  7. Change eye color
                    • Open the picture & duplicate layer
                    • Select the "Brush" tool --> 
                      • change the size of the brush according to your need-->
                      • Make sure brush hardness is 0-->Mode should be normal-->
                      • Opacity and flow should be 100%. 
                      • Paint the eye area you want to change color. 
                    • From the left side tools-->
                      • Now Set foreground color: Black & Background color: White.  If you have over painted some area you can remove it by setting  foreground color: White & background color: Black 
                    • From the left Tools in the bottom with 
                      • camera sign-->Click the "Edit in quick mask mode"
                    • Now deselect the "Edit in quick mask mode " by clicking on it again and it will select the whole layer so now from 
                    • Now menu 
                      • Select-->Inverse and it will select the painted area only.
                    • Now from the bottom right there is circle half black & half white called 
                      • "Create new fill or adjustment layer" click on it-->
                      • From the layer tab and select "Black & White"-->
                        • Check the box: "Use previous layer to create clipping mask."
                        • Click ok button
                        • Check "Tint" -->Click on the color and customize the color as you wish
                  8. Combine two images seamlessly: 
                    • Open the multiple files in Photoshop window using Step 1 
                    • Open the first image-apple in Photoshop. Now minimize the Photoshop window and drag the new image tiger in the Photoshop window. Make sure to Turn off smart objects by default
                    • Now select the tiger image and decrease the opacity to 50% and position the mouth of the tiger on the apple.
                    • select the tiger image layer--> select the "Pen tool" and select the mouth of the tiger using "pen tool"-->after selecting the mouth go to menu Select-->Inverse. Now delete the selection so only mouth of the tiger will remain. 
                    • Select the apple image layer and select "Eraser" to delete the extra area of the apple overlapping tiger mouth-->Set hardness of the eraser to "0".
                    • In order to Transform the image into correct shape: 
                      • Select apple image layer-->Using lasso tool select an area and
                      • now go to menu Edit-->Transform-->Wrap. Now using mouse drag corner of the selection to get the correct shape.
                  9. Extending a background in Photoshop:
                    • We will use the Edit-->Content-Aware-Scale option to resize the image without stretching the image
                    • Use the Crop tool to just cut the image area you need (It creates image of specified size as well)
                      • Select the crop tool from left tools bar
                      • Now select the image area you need to crop

                    • Delete text or part of image without cropping or losing it's background:
                      • Select the "lasso tool" 
                      • Select the area you want to delete using "lasso tool"
                      • Now go to menu Edit-->Fill--> and select Content-Aware from drop down list and click OK. 
                    • In order to copy the same pattern of background use the "Clone Stamp Tool"
                    • Now select an background area only (which is not part of the model body)
                      • Right click and select-->Layer via copy
                    • Select the New Copied layer
                      • Select the background area
                      • Go to Edit Menu
                        • Select-->Content Aware Scale
                  10. Retouching model image 
                    • Create new layer and select this layer - body
                      • Paint (with Pink color) every part of model's body except: hair, eyes,lips, eyebrow. Use the eraser tool if you have painted inadvertently any part
                      • Layer menu-->Layer Style-->Blending Options-->Blend mode-->Set to Soft light from Normal(Default)
                      • Menu -Image-->Adjustments-->Vibrance and now reduce Vibrance:80 & Saturation: -100.
                      • Set the opacity to 50%
                    • Create one more layer -lips
                      • Change the color to Red and this will be lipstick color
                      • Now just paint whole lip area using Brush with Red color
                      • From the layer option - set the blending mode for the layer: Change from Normal to -->Soft light
                      • Set the opacity to 50%
                    • Create one more layer - eyebrow and eye shadow
                      • Change the color to Black and this will be eyebrow color
                      • Now just paint whole eyebrow & around the eyes area using Brush with Black color
                      • From the layer option - set the blending mode for the layer: Change from Normal to -->Soft light
                      • Set the opacity to 50%
                    • Create one more layer - hair
                      • Change the color to redish and this will be hair color
                      • Now just paint whole head hair using Brush with redish color
                      • From the layer option - set the blending mode for the layer: Change from Normal to -->Soft light
                      • Menu - Image-->Adjustments-->Vibrance and now reduce Vibrance:80 & Saturation: -100.
                      • Menu Image-->Adjustments-->Hue & Saturation and change settings and preview to look good
                      • Set the opacity to 50%
                    • Select all the created layer without main picture layer-->Right button click--> Merge visible
                  11. Crop or cut out image from background:
                    • Open picture
                    • Convert Background to layer:
                      • Select a layer in the Layers palette.
                      • Choose Layer > New > Background From Layer.
                    • Add layer mask from bottom of the layer panel
                    • Now use the brush tool to delete the background you do not wish
                    • Use the eraser tool to undo the background you have deleted by mistake
                    • Now you can select the individual "Layer thumbnail" or "Layer mask thumbnail" and use eraser tool to erase completely some of the background.
                  12. Remodelling a figure in Photoshop:
                  13. How to Repair old photo in Photoshop
                    • In order to repair photos you need two tools "Healing Brush Tool" & "Clone Stamp Tool"
                    • Select the "Healing Brush Tool"
                    • Press 'alt' and select an area near to damaged section 
                    • Now normally paint the damaged section
                  14. How to Create a Real Drop Shadow in Photoshop with Layer Styles
                    • Duplicate the Model image first
                    • Select "Background Copy" layer and select the Model body part using "Magic Wand Tool"
                      • Click on the "Refine Edge.." option to change the option accordingly
                      • In the "Output To" option select-->New layer
                    • Select the newly created layer
                      • Select Layer Menu-->Layer Style-->Blending Option-->Check Drop Shadow and Select Drop Shadow then you will have option for settings and Click Ok.
                      • Now click right button on "Drop Shadow" in the "Background Copy" layer
                        • Select Create layer
                        • Click Ok on the message box. It will separate the model shadow from the model body
                      • Now select the "Background copy's Drop Shadow" layer
                        • Edit Menu-->Free Transform and transform the shadow as you wish.
                  15. How To Remove Background Around Lots Of Hair Photoshop
                    • Open the photo in Photoshop
                    • Create layer from background
                    • Select the "eraser" tool
                      • Remove the part of the background not around the hair
                    • Create a new layer
                      • Create a new fill or adjustment layer
                      • Choose a color you like for the background
                    • Now move the photo layer on top (layer0)
                    • Select the "Background eraser tool" 
                      • Use the following settings from the top bar
                        • Sampling:Once (Dropper icon with circle)
                        • Limits: Discontiguous
                        • Tolerance: 15% (change and see the effect)
                      • Now around the hair select the color you move and keep the button pressed and move the mouse around or on top of the hair will only remove the color you have selected
                  16. How to make the canvas size to fit the image
                    • This is very simple. Select the image using the select tool and then crop the image will reduce the canvas size to image size. 
                      • Select the image using Marquee Tool-->Image-->Crop
                  17. How to remove and replace heads in Photoshop
                  18. How To Remove Colour Cast From Photos 
                  19. How To Remove Photo Paper Texture From Old 
                  20. Convert black and white photo to color
                  21. How to make buttons in Photoshop
                  22. How to crop image of specific size still take the full image
                    • Say for example we have an image of width x height=600px X 900px. But we want to make the image to be width x height= 960px X 550px but still want the all portion of the picture. So what do we do to achieve this? 
                      • At first make a note of the desired width and height here 960px X 550px. So width is around 1.5 times bigger than the height. 
                      • So Open the picture in Adobe Photoshop
                      • Change the canvas size to width and height using width will be 1.5 times greater than the height. In this case say for example make the canvas size to 1800px X 900px
                      • Now if you need to Transform Scale the image do it now
                      • Now Choose crop tool.When crop tool is selected
                        • Put the desired width 960px and height 550px and move the crop tool to choose the image and save it
                  23. How to Create a Shiny Silver Text Effect in Photoshop for Beginners
                    Create a New Canvas
                    Click File > New at the top of your Photoshop window to create a new canvas. Create your canvas 500 pixels by 500 pixels. You can crop your canvas when you are finished. Set your background color to white and click OK.
                    Create a New Layer
                    Now we will create a new layer. Locate your Layers Panel. Press F7 if you do not see your Layers Panel. In the bottom of the Layers Panel you will see an icon that looks like a sheet of paper, click that icon to create a new layer.
                    Type Tool
                    Select your Type Tool from the toolbar and draw a large rectangle across your canvas to type in. I used a large font for my text but you can use any size that you want. Set your Font Options to what you want before you type. I used the following font options.
                    Font - Broadway BT
                    Size - 65
                    Color - black
                    After you have selected what you want, type your text in the rectangle on your canvas. To change your font options after you have typed your text, simply highlight your text with your mouse and change the options.
                    Rasterize Layer
                    Right click on the Type Layer in your Layers Panel and click Rasterize Layer from the pop up menu. This will make the edges of your text smooth.
                    Blending Options
                    Right click on that same Layer again and click Blending Options from the pop up menu. Apply the following effects to the text in the blending options window.
                    Drop Shadow
                    Blend Mode - Multiply
                    Color - Black
                    Opacity - 100
                    Angle -120
                    Distance - 4
                    Spread - 0
                    Size - 0
                    Contour - Linear
                    Anti-aliased - Unchecked
                    Noise - 0
                    Bevel and Emboss
                    Style - pillow emboss
                    Technique - smooth
                    Depth - 50
                    Direction - up
                    Size - 5
                    Soften - 0
                    Angle - 120
                    Use Global Light -checked
                    Attitude - 30
                    Gloss Contour - peaks
                    Anti-aliased - checked
                    Highlight Mode - screen
                    Color - white
                    Opacity - 100
                    Shadow Mode - normal
                    Color - black
                    Opacity - 73
                    Color overlay
                    Blend mode - normal
                    Color - c6c6c5
                    Opacity 100

                  24. How creating clipping mask works?
                    You can use the content of a layer to mask the layers above it. The transparent pixels of the bottom or base layer mask out the content of layers above it that are part of a clipping mask. For example, you might have a shape on one layer, a texture on the overlying layer, and some text on the topmost layer. If you define all three layers as part of a clipping mask, the texture and the text appear only through the shape on the base layer, and take on the opacity of the base layer.
                    Note that only successive layers can be included in a clipping mask. The name of the base layer in the mask is underlined, and the thumbnails for the overlying layers are indented. Additionally, the overlying layers display a clipping mask icon Clipping mask icon . The Blend Clipped Layers as Group option in the Layer Style dialog box determines whether the blending mode of the base affects the whole group or just the base. (See Grouping blend effects.)
                    Clipping mask with Potatoes and Logo layers
                    Clipping mask with Potatoes and Logo layers
                  To create a clipping mask:
                    Do one of the following:
                    • Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), position the pointer over the line dividing two layers in the Layers palette (the pointer changes to two overlapping circles Overlapping circles pointer), and click.
                    • Select a layer in the Layers palette, and choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask.
                    • Link the desired layers in the Layers palette. (See Linking layers.) Then choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask from Linked.
                    The clipping mask is assigned the opacity and mode attributes of the bottommost layer in the group.
                  To duplicate a clipping mask to another layer
                  1. Select the clipping mask.
                  2. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the mask and drag it to the destination layer. Make sure the destination layer highlights before letting go of the mouse button; otherwise, the layer won't receive the mask properly.
                  To remove a layer from a clipping mask:
                    Do one of the following:
                    • Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), position the pointer over the line separating two grouped layers in the Layers palette (the pointer changes to two overlapping circles Overlapping circles pointer ), and click.
                    • In the Layers palette, select a layer in the clipping mask, and choose Layer > Release Clipping Mask. This command removes the selected layer and any layers above it from the clipping mask.
                  To ungroup all layers in a clipping mask:
                  1. In the Layers palette, select the base layer in the clipping mask.
                  2. Choose Layer > Release Clipping Mask.

                  Thursday, 8 November 2012

                  How to change default tab in MS Word 2010?

                   Normally Home tab is default. In order to change the default tab follow the instructions below:
                  1. Right click on empty space on any tab and you will see this option called: Customize the Ribbon.
                  2. Click on the Customize the Ribbon option and you will see the option as below.  In the Main Tabs--> option right click on any tab and you will option-->Move up--> use this option to move at the top and now it will be default tab next time you open a Microsoft word.