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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

MS Office: Can't change row height of a Table

You really cannot change the row height in table. Whenever you insert a Table it comes with certain style. It sets the Table's font size as well. As a result if you want to set the Table row height less than it can accommodate the font then it will not let you to do that. So to be able to change the table row height

  1. Select the Table
  2. Go to Home Tab
  3. Change the font size to lower size
  4. Now try to change to Table row height

Monday, 9 December 2013

Blogger: AdSense not appearing in blog front page.

Google Forum answered:

I think I have solved my problem, I had changed the url address settings from to . When I changed these back to without the www , the adsense appears on the home page which is great news.  The bad news is the adsense now doesn't show on my main keyword post .

It's an improvement though for sure and now I'm getting somewhere.


google adsense to display information, takes time to arrange, about 2-3 hours later, you can F5 to see the show
I waited days and it still doesn't show on the home page. After adding them they were immediately active on the sub pages.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Facebook: Create a page - Web address is not available. Please try another one.

I was trying to create a facebook page. In the web address field whatever I put it says: Web address is not available. Please try another one. 

Just create the page WITHOUT entering the adress, and once page created you can put a special name via page settings